Hello and Welcome to My Portfolio!

This website is a designated place to showcase all of my relevant skills and recent projects as a Software Developer. I hope you enjoy 💜!

A Little About Me...

I've always had a passion for programming and computers since I was in high school. While I did not get to pursue that career in college and instead chose healthcare and customer service, I'm forever grateful for the path I chose and the experience I gained. After a couple of years in customer service, I finally feel like I'm ready to live out my dream as a Software Engineer! I've been spending my time strengthening my skills in many different programming languages such as Python, React, Redux, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and PostgreSQL. Lets explore this wonderful new journey together!

What am I doin’ with my life? This moment won’t ever come again. I’m asking myself again, am I happy right now? The answer is already there, I’m happy
-- BTS, The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, 2015

Languages and technologies I'm familiar with:

Recent Work

Air Bon Voyage

Live | Repo
AirBonVoyage is a Full Stack Air BnB clone that allows users to book hotels and lodges around the world featured on BTS' Bon Voyage mini series.
    Tech used:
  • ReactJS/Redux
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sequelize
  • Heroku
  • HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • CSS

House Hopping

Live | Repo
House Hopping is a Full Stack CouchSurfing clone that allows users to book a place to stay in certain cities or as a host, share your home/room to travelers.
    Tech used:
  • Python
  • ReactJS/Redux
  • Docker
  • Flask
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Heroku
  • HTML
  • Tailwind


Live | Repo
fetchThis! is a Remember The Milk clone, an express web application that allows users to store detailed tasks and lists that can be viewed, updated, and deleted.
    Tech used:
  • JavaScript
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sequelize
  • Heroku
  • HTML
  • Pug/Jade
  • CSS

Get In Touch

For more information about me and/or you'd like to offer me a job, please contact me at the email below. I've also provided my gitHub, linkedIn, and AngelList links to the left.